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cardboard playground

Today in class, my tutor Jacquie provided me with some lovely cardboard inspiration from Japanese artist Eiji Hiyama. My favourite is the tricerotops playhouse.


CoFA Spring Fair

springfair3 Suely Lu and Jenny Luu at Cofa spring fair

Opening Doors

Opening Doors (by any means possible)

So you’ve done the hard yards. Pulled more than a few all-nighters. Discovered a raft of study-avoidance techniques. And now the real world beckons. Standing on the threshold of the job market can be frightening and the competition is fierce. You need something to give you an edge over your competition and that is exactly what this seminar is designed to do.

Robyn Robins has over 15 years experience in the branding & design fields in both consultancy and lecturing. She will offer you insights into the market place and methods for how you can best sell yourself to the most desirable and influential agencies. Find out where to source valuable information and how best to use it to your advantage. Discover how to make the most of your greatest potential as well as the boring (but necessary) letter writing, telephone and interview techniques. Learn the dynamics of the market and how these affect your employment rights and responsibilities.

In just a couple of hours (and costing less than a few beers at the pub with your mates), you can increase your chances to kick start your career path in the ultimate direction.


5.45 for 6pm start

Australian Museum

Cnr College and William Streets, Sydney



I stopped by Kinokuniya today to check out the book sale, and to my delight, James Jean’s Kindling has arrived! It consists of 12 high quality prints, which i plan to frame and hang above my work-space. (post photos later)

♥ BC

Modelmaking : stage1


In preparation for week 8 assessment, i’ve been experimenting with materials and paper craft techniques. The models above are templates, and some are slightly modified – i found this was the best way to figure out what i could do with paper in terms of pushing its boundaries. At the moment i’m trying to make a whale from scratch, which is proving to be alot harder than anticipated. My RSI is being a pain, so model development is slow, but it’s always exciting taking a flat piece of paper and after some cutting and sticking it transforms into a 3 dimensional object! The consequence is my room looks like it’s been hit with a paper/glue/card/tape disaster!


Keeping with my concept about challenging human superiority in relation to Charles Darwin’s evolution theory, i will be making a campaign installation that involes building these large animodels implemented in an unexpected space, to catch the public off guard and stimulate their curiosity and evoke a sense of fun.

The idea started with looking at DIY paper toys, a seemingly fragile object – i wanted to play on that idea, but instead have these animal ‘toys’ at a much larger scale, so they become dominating, but their chosen material choice still leaves them at a fragile state.

♥ BC



week 6 reading list.

books1. TACTILE: High touch visuals This book has been great for inspiration. It showcases alot of graphic design, which is traditionally a 2D format, but this book takes a new approach  and translates graphics into 3-dimensional tangible works.

2. TANGIBLE: High touch visuals this book is similar to above, i’ve been looking at this sort of work because my 4th year project is exploring a multidisciplinary approach to design, combining my 2 studios- Graphics and objects. I really want to look at ways of using graphics to implement in spacial environments, and explore beyond print and screen.

3. ADVERTISING IS DEAD, LONG LIVE ADVERTISING. While im looking into developing new campaigns for WSPA, this book covers the topic of guerrilla advertising, and discusses unconventional marketing techniques.

4. PROJECT BRIEF. Although i’ve submitted my brief in week 4, i need to constantly refer and revise as the project progresses.

5. LECTURE NOTES. Not really part of my reading list, but good to keep track of my weekly lectures.

6. SKETCH JOURNAL. This is where the magic happens- well not really, i’ve always been bad at documenting my work in journals, mainly because i like to be neat- and that seems to block alot of free-flowing thought, i prefer sketching and experimenting on the computer, but of course some things are just better with pen and paper.

7. WET MOON 5: Where all stars fail to burn. A graphic novel by Ross Campbell – i need SOME fun reading time!

♥ BC


project brief

bonniepinup1Week 4 assessment : Project brief and research pinup

I’m a little behind in updating, but just for those who don’t know, my project  deals with the issue of animal cruelty, and i am working with WSPA (World Society for the Protection of Animals) to develop a new campaign strategy.


“Twenty years ago just three commercials would reach 80% of the USA population, today it takes 150”

The public is now very much in control of the media they consume and how they consume it, thus predictable and conventional media no longer gets the point across. The reasons for the decrease of effectiveness of conventional advertisements are diverse and include media fragmentation, the loss of captive audience, and the rise of ad –skipping technology. Television, billboard and press advertisements are not only expensive to implement, but the majority have become background noise in the life of today’s consumer. The key to reaching your audience is engagement: Advertisers have to find new ways to explore the options beyond television, press and poster.

A method that steps beyond the two-dimensional realm of advertising is using face-to-face tactics. In the case of non-government organisations, they usually place representatives on the street to approach people and tell them about their organisation. In most cases this is ineffective as it is intrusive on people’s daily routines, and asks the person to spare some time when it is inconvenient for them. The direct confrontation asks the viewer to make immediate decisions (such as signing a petition, or giving a donation) that they feel pressured in to, without being able to get their own understanding of what they’re supporting.

In relation to animal welfare organisations, animals are commonly portrayed in a horrific state, in hopes of touching the public’s moral nerve. The method of ‘moral-suasion’ proposes that by exposing the ugly realities of an injustice was the best way to lure potential converts to their cause. 5 Although animal cruelty is a dark and serious subject, the graphic imagery can have the reverse affect and cause the public to turn a blind eye.


• To take a different approach in the way animal welfare issue is presented to the public, the client needs a lighter approach to a serious problem. Animal cruelty is usually presented as gruesome and horrific; a more accessible method needs to be incorporated to capture the target audiences’ attention.

• The client needs to inform the public about the ethical treatment of animals and what constitutes as acceptable.

• Educating the public that some inhumane activities that affect animals are a direct cause from human consumption and actions.

• Educating the public about where animal products come from, and thus allowing the choice based on moral judgement.


♥ BC






After much delay, i have finally set up a design blog to document my project, thoughts and inspiration. I am currently completing my 4th year project, so most of this space will be about that. More to come soon!

♥ BC

May 2024